GrassNet - Cross-continental network for sustainable adaptation of grassland systems vulnerable to climate change
- Status
- completed
- Project begin
- 01.06.2009
- Project end
- 31.12.2013
- Project-Homepage
English Summary
The “Grassnet” project combines common research activities about vulnerable grassland ecosystems of partners from South America, East Africa, North China, and the German Institute of tropical and subtropical agriculture (DITSL) at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen on a cross continental scale. Natural grasslands are considered as the world’s largest multifunctional agro-ecosystems. Since million of people are depending on structure, land-use and ecosystem services, natural grasslands are in particular threatened by climate change. Sustainable land-use and protection of the grassland resources for future generations in the context of adaptation to climate change pose a challenge for research and education. GrassNet applies different DAAD funding instruments linking young people in education with pressing research questions in a regional context. Extrapolating regional approaches to a global level enables the assessment of local expertise for global, system wide application and implementation. To support a change of paradigms in system analysis for research and education, GrassNet will educate in total 12 Master and three PhD students in a cross continental network of three research centres. Intensive regional research activities will be stimulated by the network through regular exchange of knowledge and research approaches on post-doc level. Post docs from the international partners will be invited to German Universities for research and supervision of the GrassNet MSc students. The results of this cooperation will be included in the regular organized Summer Schools enabling cross system and cross continental analysis of the impact of climate change on natural grasslands and their use.
Involved persons
- Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch
- Dr. agr. Marcus Giese
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Sauerborn
- PD Dr. Anna Treydte
- Dr. agr. Ying Zhi Gao
- apl. Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kaufmann
Involved institutions
- Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Management of Crop Water Stress in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute)
Publications in the course of the project
High impact grazing as a management tool to optimize biomass growth in northern Argentinean grassland
2016: Kurtz, D. B., Asch, F., Giese, M., Huelsebusch, C., Goldfarb, M. C., Casco, J. F.
Adaptation mechanisms of Leymus chinensis to grazing and salt-alkali stress
2011: Yanhua Wang
Relationship between vegetation cover and soil carbon in Northern Kenyan grasslands
2011: Barnabas Kurgat
Effekte von unterschiedlichen atmosphärischen Wasserdampfdruckdefiziten auf die Transpiration der chinesischen Steppengräser Stipa grandis und Leymus chinenesis L.
2011: Leah Kuppinger
Transpiration Response of C3 and C4 Plants of Northern Chinese Steppe Ecosystem to Water Vapor Pressure Deficits (VPD)
2012: Jiang, L., Guo, J., Giese, M., Gao, Y., Wei, H., Brueck, H., Asch, F.
Cattle and Sheep Foraging Behaviour in a Heterogeneous Subtropical Grassland
2012: Diaz Falu, E., Brizuela, M.A., Kurtz, D.B., Giese, M., Asch, F.
Continental comparison of grassland ecosystems with particular reference to climate change
2012: Heck, Philipp
Salinity Down-Regulates Transpiration Rate of Medicago sativa to Increasing Vapour Pressure Deficit
2013: Wei, H., Giese, M., Gao, Y., Ning, Q., Asch, F.
Root Spatial Expansion Ability of Leymus chinensis in Response to Clipping and Salt Stress
2013: Liu, J., Gao, Y., Giese, M., Asch, F.
Whole-Plant Transpiration in Response to Variable Water Pressure Deficit and Nitrogen Supply
2013: Nimg, Q., Gao, Y., Giese, M., Asch, F., Wei, H.
Assessment of Seasonal Leaf Area Dynamics and Above- Ground Carbon Sequestration in Specific Vegetation Types of a Semi-Arid Grassland in Southern Ethiopia
2014: Kidake, Bosco
Relationship between vegetation cover types and soil organic carbon in the rangelands of Northern Kenya
2014: Kurgat B K, Golicha D, Giese M, Kuria S G and Asch F
Associations Between Species Distribution Patterns and Soil Salinity in the Songnen Grassland
2015: Diabate, B. , Gao, Y. , Li, Y , Wang, C. , Sun, B. , Asch, F., Zhou, D.
Leaf area dynamics and above ground biomass of specific vegetation types of a semi-arid grassland in southern Ethiopia
2016: Kisambo, B.K.; Pfister, J.; Schaffert, A.; Asch, F.
Transpirationsdynamik von Steppengräsern nach Trockenstress
2011: Caroline Weiler