LiveCarbon - Livelihood diversifying potential of livestock based carbon sequestration options in pastoral and agro pastoral systems in Africa
- Status
- current
- Project begin
- 01.07.2011
- Project end
- 30.06.2014
Livestock based pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in African dry lands are poor, vulnerable and marginalized - and becoming more so. Dependency on traditional livestock based livelihood options is increasingly untenable making diversification more and more urgent. Payment for environmental services (PES) based on carbon sequestration and reduction of carbon emissions linked to livestock and rangeland management practices has been proposed as potential additional livelihood option, but the science-base how to manage livestock to combine income from such PES systems with that of livestock production is absent.
The project proposed here aims to fill this knowledge gap through an integrated four-step research program: (1) Estimate the carbon sequestering potential of rangelands taking advantage of existing long-term livestock and rangeland management experiments and assess the potential of avoiding carbon emissions by decisions on land-use and livestock management; (2) Explore adaptive livestock management options to sequester and avoid emissions of carbon from rangelands through collaborative research with local livestock keeping communities in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso; (3) Assess the effects of changes in livestock and rangeland management on GHG emissions and land surface albedo; (4) Synthesize the research findings, combining the impact of livestock and rangeland management practices aimed at sequestration and avoidance of carbon emissions while taking into account the combined radiative forcing of GHG emissions and albedo, and assess the potential of PES scenarios to diversify pastoral livelihoods.
Involved persons
Involved institutions
- Management of Crop Water Stress in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute)
Further Information
Publications in the course of the project
Leaf area dynamics and above ground biomass of specific vegetation types of a semi-arid grassland in southern Ethiopia
2016: Kisambo, B.K.; Pfister, J.; Schaffert, A.; Asch, F.
Leaf Area and Biomass Dynamics of a Thorn-Shrub Savannah Ecosystem in the Borana Zone, Ethiopia
2013: Seckinger, C., Pfister, J., Giese, M., Asch, F.
Estimation of Carbon Sequestration Potential under Different Vegetation Types in the Borana Rangelands, Ethiopia
2013: Pfister, J., Asch, F., Said, M., Giese, M.
"Effects of vegetation type and species composition on carbon stocks in semi-arid Ethiopian Savannahs"
2012: Breuer, Beatrice
"Relationship between vegetation type, soil type, soil moisture, and carbon stocks in semi-arid Ethiopian Savannahs"
2012: Glatzle, Sarah
"Effects of management practices on carbon sequestration in semi-arid Ethiopian Savannahs"
2012: Rathjen, Lena
Effects of Management Practices on Carbon Allocation in the Semi-Arid Savannahs of the Borana Region, Ethiopia
2012: Rathjen, L., Pfister, J., Asch, F.