World Water Day 2022

World Water Day 2022 - Online Colloquium 22nd March, 13:00 hours

Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible

Groundwater is a vital resource that provides almost half of all drinking water worldwide, about 40% of water for irrigated agriculture and about 1/3 of water required for industry. It sustains ecosystems, maintains the baseflow of rivers and prevents land subsidence and seawater intrusion. Groundwater is an important part of climate change adaptation process and is often a solution for people without access to safe water. Despite these impressive facts and figures, invisible groundwater is out of sight and out of mind for most people. Human activities (including population- and economic growth) and climate variability are rapidly increasing the pressure on groundwater resources: serious depletion and pollution problems are reported for many parts of the world. The World Water Day on groundwater will put a spotlight on this invisible resource, enhance knowledge exchange and collaboration and thereby increase the awareness of the importance of taking care of our groundwater.

Groundwater may be out of sight, but it must not be out of mind.

With key-note contributions of:
  • Elisabeth Lictevout (Director International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre - igrac)
  • Yoshihide Wada (Professor of Global Water and Food Security, Utrecht University)
  • Jan H. Fleckenstein (Professor for Hydrologic Modeling, Bayreuth University and UFZ Leipzig)

And also PhD Students of the "Water - People - Agriculture" Research Training Group presenting their research projects.


The World Water Day Colloquium 2022 will take place online as Zoom meeting, please follow the link provided:

Colloquium Zoom-Link:

Meeting-ID: 874 6808 5514

Kenncode: w4cMaB





Person / Institution



Folkard Asch

Scientific Director

Research Training Group

"Water - People - Agriculture"


World Water Day Colloquium 2022


Julia Fritz-Steuber

Prorector for Research

University of Hohenheim

Welcome Note


Yoshihide Wada
Professor of Global Water and Food Security

Department of Physical Geography

Faculty of Geosciences

Utrecht University

Sustainability of global groundwater use: An integrated water resources modeling framework to assess groundwater overuse and associated impacts


Jan Fleckenstein
Professor for Hydrologic Modeling, University of Bayreuth
Head of Department of Hydrogeology, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - (UFZ), Leipzig

Groundwater - a "hidden" Resource


Coffee Break



Elisabeth Lictevout


International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (igrac), Delft

Groundwater management lessons from Chile


Kristian Johnson

WPA Scholar

(Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics)

Effects of water-saving irrigation strategies on genotypic performance of irrigated lowland rice under different levels of salinity in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam


Natalie Palm

WPA Scholar

(Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology)

The water caltrop (Trapa natans L.): An endangered macrophyte as a multi-purpose crop with invasive potential


Folkard Asch

Closing of the Colloquium

As a supplemental publication, the World Water Development Report 2022 will be launched on the occasion of World Water Day, on 22 March 2022 by UNESCO.

More at: