Leaf area dynamics and above ground biomass of specific vegetation types of a semi-arid grassland in southern Ethiopia
- Publikations-Art
- Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed)
- Autoren
- Kisambo, B.K.; Pfister, J.; Schaffert, A.; Asch, F.
- Erscheinungsjahr
- 2016
- Veröffentlicht in
- Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems
- Band/Volume
- 19/
- Seite (von - bis)
- 253-262
Leaf Area Index (LAI) dynamics and aboveground biomass of a semi-arid grassland region in Southern Ethiopia were determined over a long rain season. The vegetation was categorized into four distinct vegetation types namely Grassland (G), Tree-Grassland (TG), Bushed-Grassland (BG) and Bush-Tree grassland (BT). LAI was measured using a Plant Canopy Analyzer (LAI2000). Biomass dynamics of litter and herbaceous components were determined through clipping while the aboveground biomass of trees and shrubs were estimated using species-specific allometric equations from literature. LAI showed a seasonal increase over the season with the maximum recorded in the BG vegetation (2.52). Total aboveground biomass for the different vegetation types ranged from 0.61 ton C/ha in areas where trees were non-existent to 8.80 ± 3.81ton C/ha in the Tree-Grassland vegetation in the study site. A correlation of LAI and AGB yielded a positive relationship with an R2 value of 0.55. The results demonstrate the importance of tropical semi-arid grasslands as carbon sinks hence their potential in mitigation of climate change.
Beteiligte Personen
Beteiligte Einrichtungen
- Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut)
- Fg. Wasserstress-Management bei Kulturpflanzen in den Tropen und Subtropen
- Hohenheim Tropen
- GrassNet