Hongxi Lui

 Nationality: Chinese

Institute for Plant Production and Agroecology of the Tropics and Subtropics

PhD Topic: Water Yield and Carbon export within watersheds affected by intensive rubber cultivation in Xishuangbanna, South-West China

Current Position: associated professor, working at Advanced Institute of Natural Sciences, Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai, China


  1. Häuser, I., Martin, K., Germer, J., He, P., Blagodatskiy, S., Liu H. et al., 2015.Environmental and socio-economic impacts of rubber cultivation in the Mekong region: challenges for sustainable land use, CAB reviews, 10, No. 027
  2. Hongxi Liu, Sergey Balgodatsky, Marcus Giese, Feng Liu, Jianchu Xiu, Georg Cadisch, 2016.
    Impact of herbicide applicationon soil erosion and induced carbon loss in a rubber plantation of Southwest China, Catena, 145: 180-192
  3. Hongxi Liu, Sergey Balgodatsky, Feng Liu, Jianchu Xiu, Georg Cadisch.Dynamics of rubber plantation erosive potential studied with RUSLE model. the Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, submitted in Sept. 2016.
  4. Liu, H., Yia, Y., Blagodatsky, S., Cadischc, G., 2020.Impact of forest cover and conservation agriculture on sediment export: A case study in a montane reserve, south-western China. Science of the Total Environment. 702, 134802
